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Senin, 11 Oktober 2010

Soul Resonance

God and The Barber
I think it’s really a good story. I believe that God is everywhere and everytime. He watches humans activities. So, God always knows what I do. And i give thanks to God for my life. In addition I will be a good person and always think possitively about God.

Two Seeds
My opinion about the story, life is  a choice. So, I must choose the best for my life. After heared that story, i become  brave and better than before. I know that I always  be shy and nervous to perfom in front of my class. I believe that God will answer my dreams.

The Broken “Tempayang”
I’ll be my self. In addition i will use my weakness to be a good thing. Since in my weakness there are have wonderfull things. I don’t want to be others. But, just be my self. Thats my opinion based on the story.